
Everything worthwhile is uphill.

There are a million times in my life that Ive learned this to be true… But one truth that is common among those moments- I never allowed myself to be crushed by the boulder.

When starting something worth having in life, picture a giant boulder. You do everything you can to get that big stone rolling and it does… at first it rolls easily, then more slowly as you approach the incline. You dig your feet in and push with all your might. There’s no movement but the stone hasnt rolled backward.

You rest there a minute. Then you push and push and exert all your energy to get the momentum going again. It budges and you’re elated. “Just keep rolling,” you tell yourself. Halfway up the proverbial hill you are worn out. But you know from experience. that if you stop even for a second, it’ll be even harder to get that huge rock going again. And if you give up completely, you will find yourself squished to the rock, tumbling downhill with it.

So you persevere. You grit your teeth and keep that ball moving at a snail’s pace. And just then you remember something.

Where are you even headed?

What do you hope to accomplish with all this work?

Who will you see at the top of the mountain?

Why is it so important?

What does it mean to you when you think of standing on top of it?

And suddenly your arms become supernaturally strong. Your feet grip harder. You’re smiling. It is as if there is no turning back now. You can clearly visualize the top. You even take in some scenery.

Then all of a sudden you lose your footing and your hold on the ball. It starts rolling back towards you. You cry out! Lord!! It is in this pivotal moment that you choose to envision the top. You close your eyes and picture yourself pushing through the pain, the rejection, the fear, and the uncertainty. You’re back on track but this time with a newfound respect for what happens when you encounter a stumble.

You’re so close to the top now there is no stopping you. But that stone is too much weight to bear. You look around once more and you see your friends, your family, your team, your cohorts gathering around you. They are making this immense weight seem airy.

You make it to the top!!! The view is gorgeous. You feel elated and on top of the moon. Your tribe is cheering with you. And in that moment, you see that giant boulder start to roll, starting a descent that seems so fast and simple and effortless.

The climb, the blisters, the feelings, the sweat and tears, the near-failures… they were worth it. You’re not alone. You always have support. Rally up the people who want to move that round rock and just do the thing. The only people who dont make it to the top, to enjoy the sweetest of sights, are the ones who quit. The ones who lose sight of their vision. Dont get crushed- just keep the ball moving. Hold the faith. Abundance is just one step ahead.


Sweet Sweet Sugar


The Bell